
2009年2月26日 晴天
今天是红色天(Dressing Red Day)。所有的人得穿红色。但是没所有的人穿红色的,男孩喜欢穿冰球服。因为冰球服也是红色的。Ebony和Dalliyah没穿红色的。

The story of the Greedy Dog
oenc der was a greedy Dog.
He fangd a big stig nre the prke.
the litoe Dog want ot play with his new twy.
the big Dog don't want the lito Dog to play with it.
And he ran awe.
at hes wae he pas be a pangd.
he saw a adr Dog.
the adr Dog had a dig sike to.
but it was olee his sadoe.
the Dog want to take the sike,
but his sik fale.
The Story of the Greedy Dog
Once there was a greedy dog.
He found a big stick near the park.
The little dog want to play with his new toy.
The big dog doesn't want the little dog to play with it.
And he ran away.
On his way home, he pass by a pond.
He saw another dog.
The other dog had a big stick too,
but it was only his shadow.
The dog want to take the stick,
but his stick fall.

[本日志由 可遇爸 于 2009-03-27 00:30 AM 编辑]
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